Why Do Homeless NYC Students Dropout of School?

As briefly sketched in our previous blog post, homeless New York City students face challenges all but unfamiliar to their peers living in stable housing. At the top of that list is a significantly greater likelihood of leaving school prematurely and without a diploma. This article will examine how and why homeless NYC students dropout of high school. What Is The High School Dropout Rate Among Homeless NYC Students? Even though federal law requires school districts and charter schools to provide extra support to students without stable housing, data shows that homeless students continue to lag behind their stably housed peers in terms of high school graduation rates. According to data compiled by the National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE), only 64 percent of homeless students graduate from high school versus 78 percent of low-income students and 84 percent of all students. Students experiencing homelessness are 87 percent more likely to drop out of high school than their pe...