Why Are There So Many Homeless NYC Students in Special Education?

As we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, homelessness is frighteningly common among, and particularly debilitating to New York City students. Such unfortunate children and youths are at much higher risk of having emotional and behavioral problems, developmental delays and learning disabilities. As schools are already ill-equipped to deal with homelessness, the challenges are magnified when a student has a disability necessitating placement in a special educational program. This blog post will discuss why there are so many homeless NYC students in special education. How Many Homeless NYC Students are in Special Education? Of the 938,189 students enrolled in the New York City school system, approximately 23 percent - or roughly 213,787 - live with one or more disabilities eligible for placement in special education. [ 1 ] As previously mentioned, 146,000 city students lack permanent housing. Sadly, there is a great deal of overlap between these two cohorts. By the latest estimates...